Does pondering the matter of dental insurance versus health insurance leave you feeling confused? You’re not alone. Insurance is a complicated thing, and the diverse assortment of policies available from various insurers can make it seem like every answer comes with a caveat. How can you hope to make smart decisions about your insurance coverage when you can’t seem to get a straight answer to a simple question? Understanding a little bit about what insurance is, how it works, and what certain types of insurance cover can help.
The Basics of Insurance
What exactly is insurance? At its most basic, insurance is a contract between the insurer and the insured that is designed to protect the insured from financial disaster. It’s a form of risk management.
As a consumer, you purchase a policy that you believe will provide sufficient protection and pay a set amount in the form of a premium to the insurer. In return, the insurer guarantees that they will offset the financial burden of potentially expensive services or damages if it becomes necessary.
How can the insurer offer this promise? The insurer sells various policies to large populations of consumers. While all of the policyholders will pay premiums regularly, not everyone will utilize their benefits or file claims for reimbursements. Insurers take the funds they’ve collected from everyone, pool them together, and use them to cover the costs of submitted claims.
Dental Insurance Versus Health Insurance
There are many different types of insurances, and they are each designed to cover specific situations. Auto insurance, homeowner’s insurance, health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, and life insurance are just a few kinds of insurance that you may encounter.
When it comes to wellness, having health insurance is a good start, but it may not cover as much as you expect it to. Every insurance policy comes with its own rules and limitations, so it is important to examine any insurance policy that you are considering carefully, but the fact of the matter is that health insurance doesn’t pay for all of the care that people need to stay healthy. For example, although the connection between good oral health and overall wellness has been clearly documented, most health insurance policies do not cover routine dental care.
Similarities and Differences
With both dental insurance and health insurance, you’ll generally pay a regular premium in return for certain benefits that are specified in your policy. These benefits often help to offset the costs involved with both routine preventative care and emergency services. In many cases, there may be a network of providers who have agreed to accept your insurance, and turning to these participating professionals for care can further reduce your costs.
What makes dental insurance different from health insurance? The primary distinction lies in what each type of insurance covers. Dental insurance typically deals with cleanings, sealants, fillings, orthodontics, and other common dental issues. In contrast, health insurance is geared more towards traditional medical concerns like care for acute or chronic illnesses, injuries, surgeries, and hospitalizations.
Why Dental Professionals May Ask About Your Health Insurance
You might assume that when you visit your dentist for an oral health issue, your dental insurance will cover it, and that when you visit your primary care physician for a more general issue, it will fall under your health insurance. This is not always the case.
Sometimes dental issues cross the line into medical issues, which means that a dentist or orthodontist may ask about your health insurance. For example, an abscessed tooth can impact more than your oral health, so some of the services involved in caring for this issue might be covered by your health insurance. Impacted wisdom teeth are another issue that dwell in this gray area between dental and health insurance. If surgery is necessary to remove them, this care often falls under the umbrella of health insurance.
If you’re looking for an experienced, reliable, and friendly dentist in Springfield, Missouri, contact Wilkinson Dental today. Dr. Wilkinson and his team will give you the personalized treatment you deserve using state-of-the-art technology. Schedule your first appointment today by calling 417-708-0556 or requesting an appointment online. We look forward to hearing from you!